Common Accidents in the Philippines

Common Accidents in the Philippines

In the Philippines, there is an estimated amount of 12,000 casualties due to road accidents with a death rate of 5.6 per 1000 people that were reported in 2022. And as we live in an unpredictable world full of surprises and turns, we must be aware of the common accidents in the Philippines. Pacific Union would then like to share some of the most common examples of accidents in the country and the reasons why they happen. 

Vehicle Collisions

Road accidents are a significant concern in the Philippines due to several factors such as heavy traffic, poorly maintained roads, and reckless driving from motorists. These, throughout time, have led to vehicle collisions, injuries, and even death. Because of this, obey all traffic regulations at all times and make sure that your vehicle is properly maintained. 

Burns and Scalds

Burns and scalds are another cause of accidents here in the country. These are incidents involving fire, hot liquids, or steam that occur at home and in the workplace. Always stay vigilant to prevent burns and scalds, and in the event of injury, seek professional treatment.


Falls can occur in different settings, from the workplace to the outdoors, to even your home. They often result from slippery floors, uneven surfaces, poor lighting, or accidents that occur when ascending or descending from stairs. These accidents can lead to serious injuries such as sprains, broken bones, and internal bleeding.

Workplace Accidents

These types of accidents are common in various industries including construction, agriculture, and transportation. These usually occur due to malfunctions, falls, and other occupational hazards.

Forces of Nature

Finally, the Philippines is prone to several natural disasters from typhoons, floods, earthquakes, and more which happen at a regular basis. Events like these can cause serious property damage, injury, and even loss of life. 

Ultimately, all of these are the major accidents that occur in the Philippines, and knowing these, we’d like to remind everyone to stay vigilant, be alert, and keep safe at all times. But keeping safe and these reminders are just a precaution; what happens when accidents like these do occur?

Thankfully, we at Pacific Union would like to offer each and every one our Personal Accident Insurance to help you and your family when accidents occur. For more information, contact us today through any of our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), our landline 8845 1033, or our website at to learn more on how we can protect you and what matters most. 

Related Article:
DOH seeks reduction of increasing road traffic incidents

Benefits of Personal Accident Insurance

Benefits of Personal Accident Insurance

Our daily lives can be an unpredictable one, one filled with danger and turns where anything can happen. And so to protect you and what matters most, Pacific Union would like to offer our Personal Accident Insurance

But what is Personal Accident Insurance in the first place? 

This insurance policy provides financial compensation in the event of an accidental injury or death. Through this, you and your family will be protected from the financial burdens of the unpredictable landscape we’re living in. 

Insurance Benefits 

Loss of Life and Limbs

One of the benefits of our insurance policy is compensation in the event of death, permanent disability, or loss of limbs resulting from an accident. Through our insurance policy, the insured will receive the proper compensation based on what is covered in our table of benefits which you can learn more by contacting us today. 

Weekly Indemnities

For this benefit, weekly indemnities are periodic payments made to the insured in the event of temporary disability that prevents them from working. With this, our clients can rest safe and sound as they can receive payments even when unable to perform their duties at work.

Medical Reimbursement

Another benefit of our personal accident insurance is the reimbursement of medical expenses incurred due to injuries sustained in an accident. So whether its hospitalization or treatment of injuries, our insurance policy will be here to cover your medical expenses.

Murder and Assault

For this case, compensation is provided at times when the insured suffers injury or death in the event of an unprovoked murder and assault – therefore protecting you and your loved ones once again financially.

Burial Benefits

Finally, burial benefits are the financial assistance for funeral expenses in case of the insured’s death due to an accident.